Encouragement, Support & New Ideas for Parents
Through Public Speaking, Parenting Tools & Drama
Through Public Speaking, Parenting Tools & Drama
Remember planning for the arrival of your “bundle of joy?” I’m sure you, like me, probably experienced a roller-coaster of emotions from excited anticipation to being overwhelmed and soooo tired after your gift from God was in your arms. But, most of all, your experience was all about the joy-filled anticipation of welcoming your baby into your family. Right?
But now, do you ask yourself how do I keep that joy alive?
Whether your children are teething, toddlers, tweens or teens, Joy In Parenting is all about bringing and keeping the joy into your day-to-day experience of being a parent. Right now! Every day!
Hi, I’m Sherri Martinelli, and after interviewing hundreds of moms on my two weekly shows on Christian radio, Mother-to-Mother, a half-hour pre-recorded show in Orange County, California and an hour live in Atlanta, Georgia, I had the opportunity to ask every question I ever wanted to know to help me raise our three children! Prayerfully, I would take these ideas and use them, mold and shape them, or create a brand new parenting tool to fit my family’s needs. At the same time I was being invited to share some of these insights, ideas and parenting tools with moms of young children.
Joy In Parenting was born!
Today I have the privilege of talking with parents using these parenting tools, specific hands-on ideas, humor, drama and story-book readings to reach moms and dads as well as children and teens.
I believe our Heavenly Father has created each of us with a plan and purpose. I know one of my purposes is to come alongside parents of children, from newborns through teenagers, and encourage, support and provide specific hands-on parenting tools and ideas to help bring and keep the JOY back into parenting!
Whether your children are teething, toddlers, tweens or teens, Joy In Parenting is all about bringing and keeping the joy into your day-to-day experience of being a parent. Right now! Every day!
Hi, I’m Sherri Martinelli, and after interviewing hundreds of moms on my two weekly shows on Christian radio, Mother-to-Mother, a half-hour pre-recorded show in Orange County, California and an hour live in Atlanta, Georgia, I had the opportunity to ask every question I ever wanted to know to help me raise our three children! Prayerfully, I would take these ideas and use them, mold and shape them, or create a brand new parenting tool to fit my family’s needs. At the same time I was being invited to share some of these insights, ideas and parenting tools with moms of young children.
Joy In Parenting was born!
Today I have the privilege of talking with parents using these parenting tools, specific hands-on ideas, humor, drama and story-book readings to reach moms and dads as well as children and teens.
I believe our Heavenly Father has created each of us with a plan and purpose. I know one of my purposes is to come alongside parents of children, from newborns through teenagers, and encourage, support and provide specific hands-on parenting tools and ideas to help bring and keep the JOY back into parenting!
See 3-in-1 gift book for moms, moms-to-be and grandmas!
This Keepsake Memory Journal is designed to highlight milestones and special memories of all your children for many years. However, many families are using it DAILY as a simple way of recording the highs, lows, "silver linings" and seeing the "Red Sea" moments of God at work in your family in miraculous ways. However you use it, find the JOY each day in raising His gifts to bring glory to Him!
NEW!! Short MOPS International Video -
Encouragement from seasoned moms, including Sherri, of what they would tell their younger selves.
Encouragement from seasoned moms, including Sherri, of what they would tell their younger selves.
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